Hypnosis for Surgery Preparedness
Are you nervous about an upcoming surgery or medical procedure?
Have you been putting off scheduling your procedure due to anxiety or fear?
Surgical Hypnosis Support is here for you.
Research has shown that not only can hypnosis significantly reduce pre-op anxiety, in may also quicken recovery time and help ease discomfort afterwards.
Numerous studies show this is the case for thousands of people worldwide, including this one:
“Guy Montgomery, Ph. D., of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NYC and his colleagues conducted a clinical trial on 200 women to examine the effects of Hypnosis when given within one hour before breast cancer surgery. Patients in the Hypnosis group required less anesthesia than patients in the control group. They also reported less pain, nausea, fatigue, discomfort and emotional upset after surgery. They spent less time in surgery, about 11 minutes less, and their surgical costs were reduced by about $773 per patient.“ – Journal of National Cancer Institute, August 30, 2007
Whether at your side at the hospital, in private sessions leading up to your surgery, or even for post-surgery recovery, we can work together to remove the fear and get you feeling great again!