I offer a limited number of PWYC appointments per month as a way of giving back to the community and supplying hypnosis services to those who otherwise cannot afford them. Here is how it works.

  • Make an appointment for a phone/zoom consultation and in that session advise me that you would like to participate in the PWYC program.

  • If there is currently room in the program, you will be accepted. If there is not, I will give you instructions about proceeding and make the best possible guess when a space may come available. I do not keep a waiting list and ask that you reaffirm your continued interest by email.

  • If there is room in the program, we will schedule a regular session.

  • If you are participating in a program or 3 package sessions, you will need to pay the full price for our initial session ($200) BEFORE the session begins. All remaining sessions will be PWYC.

  • During sessions, and in virtually every other way, you will be treated exactly like any other client receiving my full service.


  • If we are working in person, you leave any amount of cash (paper money only - no coins, no checks, nor any promises to pay in the future…just cash) in an envelope without your name on it. PWYC payments are anonymous and all the envelopes are only opened at the end of the month.

  • You decide how much, but remember, the program is called Pay What You Can, not Pay What You Want. The amount does NOT have to be the same each time. Do not write anything on the envelope or include any identifying materials what-so-ever. No notes or cards. You simply use the envelope as your payment. I do not personally open any of the envelopes. They are processed either at month’s end or quarterly. I will never know how much money any client put in any envelope.

If we are working on-line, you will make your payment through PayPal using the URL paypal.me/hypsessions. Unfortunately, the amount of your payment will not be anonymous but neither will it be regarded. You need to make your PayPal payment at least 24 hours prior to our session. I receive text messages from PayPal regarding funds received but I do not view the amounts. You will just have to trust me on that. It’s the only way I can manage to offer this program for online sessions.

Terms and Conditions

  • Your need for financial assistance must be genuine. I cannot and will not attempt to verify that. It is a matter of integrity on your part.

  • As the number of PWYC appointments is limited, you may need to wait several weeks for your first appointment.

  • We need to be able to work regularly and consistently. Extended gaps in the process, those going beyond an agreed upon interim, may result in your losing your space in the program and needing to wait for another opening.

  • Any appointment slot available through my online scheduling platform will be available to you after our first session. However, we will often schedule our next appointment during the current session. No more than two weeks should pass between sessions unless we agree otherwise. Remember others may be waiting to join the program. If more than two weeks pass between sessions, I reserve the right to award your space to someone else.

  • Appointments are a commitment on both our parts. Emergencies excepted, I will not cancel an appointment fewer than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment and you agree to provide at least 48 hours’ notice to reschedule. I reserve the right to offer your PWYC program space to another client should you not provide sufficient notice or should you simply fail to show up for an appointment.

  • If you need to reschedule an appointment, you may have to wait for another one, but you can accomplish this process through my online scheduling platform.

  • You agree and commit to following my instructions regarding strategies and instructions for between session. Not complying with these instructions not only limits the probability of your success but demonstrates a lack of commitment on your part to achieve the change you wish. Sometimes people struggle. Just talk to me about it.

Pay What You Can Program