Hypnosis for Sleep
Is your relationship with sleep… complicated?
It doesn’t have to be.
So are you.
Okay, so the not-so-good news is there are A LOT of factors that can contribute to poor sleep…and we all know poor sleep can generate poor health. But the good news is you have help - your subconscious and me!
We’ll look at changes that realistically fits in with your lifestyle. And then take the steps to make it happen.
For long standing cases involving underlying medical concerns, I work in tandem with your doctor as I am not a licensed health care professional. I do not diagnose or prescribe treatment plans, but rather I help you create healthy habits, give hypnotic sleep exercises to condition your subconscious, and communicate with your subconscious to resolve blocks or concerns that may be keeping you from healthy, refreshing sleep.
3 and 6 Week Programs Available
Perhaps sleep struggle is new, and you already live a healthy lifestyle. Maybe you just wake up a few times a might to go the bathroom, or are struggling to fall asleep because the thoughts keep racing. Many clients in this scenario find relief in just a handful of hypnosis sessions.
However, if your history with sleep is more complicated, or you simple want more support or insight into your sleep health, join me for 6 weeks and
Get a fuller understanding of your Circadian Rhythm
Become in-tune with your suprachiasmatic nucleus (‘Master Clock’)
Learn and practice self hypnosis
Gain a variety of hypnotic and NLP tools to help you get to sleep and stay asleep longer.
Weekly exercises are required, as is a commitment to keep a sleep log during this time.